Bushing Simulator
Web-based software for hydraulic
bushing performance simulations
Web-based software for hydraulic
bushing performance simulations
Use physical or component-system level parameters specific to a particular device. Tunable system with fractional calculus based damping formulation, nonlinear transitional fluid flow properties, and leakage path allows capture of amplitude and frequency dependent dynamic behavior. Adjustable compliance formulation allows simulations to utilize nonlinear parameters identified from state-of-the-art experimental characterization techniques, and correction factors allow for simple adjustments.
Cloud-based computational assets provide global, round the clock access with scalable processing for near-realtime high performance results, speeding up your workflow and enabling high capacity short-cycle iterations.
Every simulation operation generates a downlodable PDF report with at-a-glance model and parameter details, dynamic stiffness spectra plots, and auto-detected amplitude-specific tuning information. Raw simulation outputs are provided in a downloadable CSV file with real/imaginary and magnitude/phase stiffness terms for further analytical and/or design work.
Offload the heavy lifting and hard math of advanced, nonlinear hydrobushing
modeling and easily deliver fast performance predictions.
Get in touch with us to schedule a live demo of the Hydraulic Bushing Simulator
and set up a plan that works for you!